Try to sack, as a quarterback

Try to sack, as a quarterback

Here’s a short crossword puzzle clue for you today: Try to sack like a quarterback. We’ll make an effort to solve this specific crossword puzzle. The answers to the clue “Try to sack, as a quarterback” may be found here. The American fast crossword was where it was last seen. Our database has a single potential response.

Possible answer:

  • R
  • U
  • N
  • A
  • T

Here’s hoping you figured out the correct response. If this answer doesn’t work to solve the problem or if you know of another way to tackle this quarterback crossword puzzle, send it to us via email along with the source and the publishing date. We’ll review as quickly as we can. Your assistance would be much valued.

If you’re looking for solutions to other crossword puzzles, use our search engine. If you only search on our website, it will get more accurate results.