Jake Stringer

How Jake Stringer coped with GWS training after initially not being ready

Jake Stringer had a rough beginning with the GWS Giants.  The former Essendon striker, who was renowned for his ability to win games, came ready to contribute but was unable to keep up throughout training.  After that, he had a strange incident on a Sydney beach where he cut his foot open on a rock.

 It served as an early reminder of reality.  As blunt as ever, Adam Kingsley made it apparent that Stringer needed to adjust quickly to the Giants’ unrelenting training regimen.

 A change in diet and a makeover for Christmas

 Despite not being overweight, Stringer’s skinfold measurements indicated that he needed to improve.  Melissa Juergens, a GWS performance dietician, took responsibility of his meals, planning every aspect, including a detailed grocery list, to make sure he was well fuelled.

 The outcomes were indisputable.  In just three weeks, Stringer had taken nine millimetres off his skinfolds by the time he returned from the Christmas vacation.  Kingsley interpreted that as evidence of complete dedication.

 For me, that is the point at which I realise, “He’s in.”  In CODE Sports, Kingsley said, “He has bought in.”  “If someone acts that way over Christmas, they aren’t playing around.”

 However, Stringer’s preseason wasn’t much simpler.  He missed a preseason game due to an unexpected sickness that sent him to the hospital with a migraine.  Shortly after kickoff, he pulled up with stiff hamstrings during a VFL practice match.  The damage would be assessed by scans, but the already halting campaign was further disrupted.

 Kingsley had established clear expectations and had been meeting Stringer for coffee in order to gain his trust.  “I’ll try to assist you if I don’t believe you understand what is needed,” he replied.  “I will challenge you if you are purposefully not doing it.”

 The focus now is on remaining and becoming fit.  Kingsley stated, “If he plays at his best, he will be a very significant and influential player for us.”  Although Stringer’s journey hasn’t been easy, the Giants remain optimistic that “The Package” will arrive shortly.